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Writer's picturetheapollonianartist

Why art is crucial in building a business

Updated: May 19, 2022

Art is key in setting trends and in branding a business.

It's a way to communicate a message and unlike writing (my own, not with-standing ;) visual messages can often be universally understood.

Whether it be through your product packaging, service contracts, or even just your logo. Art can help you stand out from the crowd and show the world what you represent and who you are.

Art can help you set trends for what people want to buy or use. And the best part is, it doesn’t have to be a Picasso to have a massive hand in building businesses!

Art helps define the personality of your brand.

Art can help you to stand out, fit in, and even create new circles for others to try and fit into.

Art can help define your brand and give it personality in a universal language most people don't even realize they speak.

One design class I had in college would often show two designs and ask the class which was better designed. The whole class could easily respond with the correct choice, but couldn't express why. Artists spend their time learning the why's of art, but anyone can notice the details that make art great.

A widely recognizable example of this is the McDonald's logo.

Without knowing the "why", you recognize the warm and friendly tone the artwork wants to convey.

McDonald's is all about the smiles, and that is what they show you in their logo and color. choices

Art helps provide an experience.

From the logo, choice of company font, colors of your uniforms, and even the artwork in your lobby; there are many ways to convey a message, but art can be one of the most memorable ways to do so.

Your product or company will, more often than not, be recognized by the art choices alone. And that art can create a memorable experience by making people think about something in a different way than they normally would.

This is exactly what you need if you want your customers to keep coming back to you again and again, instead of the competition.

Art sets you apart.

Your business art is an expression of you and your company. It shows who you are and what's important to you. It can be a way for people to connect with your values, it can show your personality, and how much fun working with you would be.

When someone asks, "What kind of work do you do?" or "What's the most interesting project you've worked on?" what are they really asking?

They're asking about your values.

What work stood out to you and made you feel accomplished or alive?

With correctly chosen colors, they won't need to ask, it will show through in every way.

The art within a business is not just there to be pretty, though hopefully, it is that as well. Art in business is a title, a badge, a calling card, and a flag. The choices you make about your business art can make all the difference to your bottom line.

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