Take a look at the products I now have in stock here.
Currently the shop will only let you purchase one product at a time, but you can select a quantity for each and plans are already underway to update the shop experience soon!
More designs to come!
Journals are already in design for:
Back to school
There are also plans for a different version of each of these journals to be released by Summer 2022 and new products set to be added to the shop in Spring 2022.
In the meantime, you can find other products at my various off-site shops here.
A P.S. request for help
As an elder millennial who has actively been avoiding people for years, I've seen the hashtag craze take off and become a full-fledged useful and ubiquitous tool, but I have yet to really get used to them or even fully figure them out, so if anyone wants to help educate me on how to hashtag or what hashtags I should use, please let me know!